Every successful business be it a large corporation or a SME, needs complete protection against potential loss. Modern businesses use of electronic Equipements like Computers, Servers, Audio/Video and security equipment and Industry specific Electronic Equipements that are exposed to various risks. Any damage or breakdown to them can puta break in your growth plan by putting a financial burden and stress. We can help you successfully overcome these situations and put you firmly in control of your business, equipment’s and your dream of making it big. With our Electronic Equipment Insurance Policy, you can safeguard your Electronic Equipment that you value most.
This policy will pay for any accidental damage or loss to your electronic equipment against sudden and unforeseen physical damage. This Policy is designed for covering electronic equipment like Computers, Audio Visual Equipements etc. on All Risks Basis, at specified locations.
♦ Material damage
♦ External data media
♦ Increased cost of working